


What Surgical Options Do You Need To Know About For Tuberous Breast Deformity Correction?

During puberty, if the breast fails to develop sufficient breast tissue in a specific direction, the breast appears like a tube shape. In this case, the nipple is fully formed while the breast tissue around it stays in an elongated shape. Your surgeon will recommend various corrective surgeries for tuberous breast deformity in Beverly Hills. Read on to know what corrective surgeries you may expect to go through.

Breast Augmentation 

One of the most common surgical options for correcting tuberous breast deformity in Beverly Hills is breast augmentation. This procedure involves the placement of breast implants to increase volume and improve symmetry. You have a range of implant choices, including silicone or saline. Sometimes, tuberous breast deformity is accompanied by sagging. In such cases, a breast lift or mastopexy may be recommended in conjunction with breast augmentation. 

Nipple and areola reduction

Tuberous breasts often show enlarged areolas. Surgeons can perform nipple and areola reduction surgery for a proportionate look to align with the new breast shape. 

Fat Grafting

If you are looking for a more natural alternative compared to other surgery procedures, then fat grafting or lipofilling can be an option for tuberous breast deformity in Beverly Hills. Your surgeon will inject fat into your breast sourced and purified from another suitable area of your body to reshape your breasts. 


While beauty standards are transforming frequently, if you want to correct the tuberous breast deformity, there are many proven surgery procedures that are now within your reach. Get in touch with Barrett Plastic Surgery to consult with board-certified plastic surgeons to determine which would be the most appropriate corrective approach for your tuberous breast deformity case.

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